Oil benefits for the skin and hair
Apricot Kernel oil makes a non-greasy, enriching emollient. Soothes and prevents acne, inflammation, and dryness. Used under the eyes, it is known to diminish the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and puffiness.
Flaxseed oil helps to repair the skin's cells, improvement in elasticity, firmness, tone and texture. Rehydration of dry, itchy skin while anti inflammatory omega 3 and other essential fatty acids prevent the skin from drying out and locks in moisture, preventing irritated skin and acne.
Sesame oil contains vitamin E, which can help protect skin cells from the damage caused by environmental factors, such as UV rays, pollution, and toxins. Also contains several phenolic compounds, which makes it an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Grape seed oil contains powerful antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids that work together to combat skin issues. Safe to use on all skin types since it's non-comedogenic, and has a mild scent. It can also help alleviate redness in sensitive skin.
Rose Hip oil essential fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic acid, makes it an excellent option for hydrating dry, itchy skin. The skin also easily absorbs the oil, allowing the antioxidants to travel deep into the skin's layers.
Fenugreek oil has skin rejuvenating and anti inflammatory properties, this carrier oil works to reduce puffiness, remedy acne and block free radicals. The mucilage content replenishes the hair and provides smoothness allowing detangling hair easily post every wash and helps restore luster. In addition, fenugreek has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help with dandruff, scalp irritation and acne.
Neem oil treats acne, fungal infections, warts, or moles.The leaves contain plant compounds called flavonoids and polyphenols, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
Almond oil as been used for centuries to treat dry skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. Improves acne. The oil's fatty acid content may help dissolve excess oil on the skin, while the retinoids in the oil may reduce the appearance of acne and improve cell turnover. Helps reverse sun damage.
Pumpkin oil is rich in vitamins A and C, zinc, antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids. These benefits make pumpkin seed oil a great moisturizer for oily skin types, especially when you struggle with acne. Is rich in vitamin E, zinc, omega 3- and 6- fatty acids as well as antioxidants, therefore it has tremendous benefits for the skin in terms of retaining moisture, fighting free radicals (sun damage) and maintaining a youthful appearance.
Evening Primrose oil contains high concentrations of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds possess potent anti- inflammatory properties, which may help treat and prevent acne, improve hydration and elasticity, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, soothe itchy, dry, irritated skin, regulates sebum production, treats and prevents breakouts.
Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory properties which help to tame chaffing and chapping, reduce redness caused by dryness, ease the effects of eczema and rosacea, and keeps skin calm and comfortable. The Vitamin E and B-complex vitamins in the oil helps in skin repair and damage control.
Hemp oil can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as prevent signs of aging from developing. The linoleic acid and oleic acids found in hemp oil can't be produced by the body but can play a crucial role in skin health and anti-aging.
Avocado oil contains a high percentage of Vitamin E, as well as potassium, lecithin, and many other nutrients which can nourish and moisturize your skin. The oleic acid also promotes collagen production, which helps grow new skin. This accelerates the healing process, helping with issues like sunburn.
Shea butter is high concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins, has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Using shea butter on your body, especially your face, can condition, tone, and soothe your skin.
Ginseng extract increases the dermal cells on the scalp which strengthens the follicles and roots of the hair. This encourages the new growth of strands and also prevents hair thinning and breakage. It has anti-inflammatory properties helping redness and puffiness in the skin. It can even be a good, calming remedy for skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis.
Lemon oil give your skin a dose of Vitamin C to help improve skin tone and provide antioxidant properties to help reduce oxidative stress.
Turmeric oil is an anti-fungal and antiseptic, it will dry out the pimples and also prevent further breakouts. Diminish fine lines and wrinkles while helping acne with the anti-inflammatory properties.
Tamanu oil is rich in fatty acids, which can help keep skin moisturized. It also contains antioxidants, which fight against sun damage and promotes the healing of burns, blisters, cuts, and scrapes.